What is BBL HERO?

BBL laser in Charlotte sets new standards in treating skin conditions associated with aging, active lifestyles, and sun damage. 

BBL HERO® (High Energy Rapid Output™) is revolutionary technology that delivers more power to rebuild your skin’s structure by increasing collagen production, making your skin look, feel, and act younger. 

The Hero uses intense pulsed light therapy to clinically treat a wide range of skin conditions at the cellular level.  It flashes specialized light as it is quickly moved across the treatment area. The Hero will address any pigmentation, redness, or vascularity, and then heat the tissue to revitalize it and boost collagen stimulation.

Benefits of BBL HERO Treatments

BBL HERO can be performed anywhere on the body. BBL laser in Charlotte is such a popular treatment because of its many benefits, which include the following:

  • Reverses sun damage
  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
  • Reduces redness, including rosacea and fine veins
  • Increases the production of collagen
  • Provides a more even skin tone and texture
  • Reduces discoloration and pigmentation concerns
  • Rejuvenated, more youthful-looking skin
  • Treats the face and any part of the body

Am I a Candidate for BBL HERO Treatments?

You are a good candidate for BBL™ Hero if you are in general good health and want to treat skin conditions that are a result of environmental damage, or sun damage. The Hero BBL works on the face, neck, hands, chest, legs, and almost any of the body. To know which treatment best suits your skin, we recommend scheduling a consultation with one of our highly qualified estheticians.

    What to Expect During a BBL Hero Treatment?

    When your treatment begins will be given eye protection – typically goggles or glasses to wear. The BBL™ Hero will be passed over your face and/or neck exposing the treatment area to blasts of high-intensity light.  At completion, moisturizer and sunscreen will be applied to soothe, and protect the skin. 

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    What to Expect After a BBL Hero Treatment

    After undergoing a BBL HERO treatment, you can expect to have some redness and darkening of pigment in the treated area immediately after treatment. The redness should subside within an hour or two, but the pigmented lesions will continue to darken then disappear within the following 7-14 days.

    Many patients report that 3 to 4 weeks after treatment, they notice an overall improvement in skin redness, clarity, tone, and texture.

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    Experience the Difference at Surface MedSpa

    At Surface MedSpa, our team includes an experienced, highly trained team of medical aestheticians under the supervision of Dr. Beck, a board-certified plastic surgeon. Dr. Beck personally oversees every patient’s treatment plan toward beautiful, healthy skin. We treat you with a fully personalized, individual approach, combining medical expertise with a boutique spa experience to provide rejuvenating treatments with the most state-of-the-art, advanced lasers and skin treatment devices on the market. Call us today to set up a free consultation and learn more about Sciton BBL Hero! BroadBand Light (BBL) sets new standards in treating skin conditions associated with aging, active lifestyles, and sun damage.

    What is the Difference Between IPL and BBL?

    BBL and IPL are similar rejuvenation treatments, but there are key differences. IPL (Intense Pulsed Light Therapy) uses high-intensity light to achieve firmer, younger-looking skin with a more radiant tone and smooth skin texture. IPL therapy heats the upper layers of the skin to stimulate the body to produce new collagen, resulting in a natural, youthful glow. 

    BBL (Broadband Light Therapy) is the next generation of IPL. BBL laser in Charlotte is a safer and more effective treatment for repairing sun damage, reversing the signs of age, and renewing and refreshing the complexion. With BBL, treatments can be customized and controlled, allowing treatment for a broader range of skin concerns, all without downtime. BBL represents the safest, most effective form of IPL rejuvenation. When comparing BBL and IPL the BBL has a Forever Young component that kick-starts the body’s collagen production, and even fades the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.  Then the end result of the Forever Young BBL Component is skin that’s radiant, healthy, and looks years younger.


    Forever Young BBL

    Forever Young BBL Hero treatments are a customized treatment using the BBL laser. With Forever Young, patients can achieve beautiful, luminous skin, reducing the signs of age. Forever Young uses the new and improved BBL Hero (High Energy Rapid Output) device, Forever Young treats skin issues such as sun damage, wrinkles, loose skin, redness, and uneven skin tone.

    Forever Young BBL is unique in that it is delivered with multiple passes at a lower energy level. Forever Young BBL uses lower energy for the first 200 pulses to work on the skin's genetic expression and cellular regenerative abilities. The significant boost in collagen production helps restructure and rebuild the skin from the inside out, keeping you looking “Forever Young.”

    Forever Clear BBL

    Acne affects up to 50 million Americans every year, making it the most common skin condition in the US. While it is most common in adolescents and young adults, many men and women experience acne later in life too. Acne can be a very frustrating issue to deal with. Harnessing the remarkable abilities of Broadband Light™, Forever Clear BBL kick-starts your body’s healing system to fight acne, oily skin, and large pores.

    The Forever Clear BBL treatment uses pulsed infrared light to cleanse the clogged pores that are causing acne, leaving you with clear, healthy, and clean skin. It also triggers the body’s natural production of collagen, rejuvenating your skin and leaving it tighter and thicker. The beauty of the Forever Clear BBL treatment is that practically everyone can be a candidate if suffering from acne.

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    What Conditions Can Be Treated by Forever Clear BBL?

    Forever Clear BBL is used to address the following conditions:

    • Acne
    • Oily skin
    • Enlarged pores 

    Forever Clear’s Three-Light Approach

    On the day of your treatment, your provider will cleanse your skin and apply a topical anesthetic. A headband will be placed, and you will be provided with eye protection. 

    This advanced treatment utilizes three levels of light energy — blue, yellow, and infrared — to deliver healthier skin. 


    First, your skin is treated with blue light, which penetrates deep into your pores to target the bacteria that is causing your acne, killing it from deep inside the pores.


    Yellow BBL light is passed over the area several times, reducing inflammation and redness caused by acne. This step restores a more natural tone and color to your skin and gives it a healthy glow.


    Finally, your skin is treated with quick, gentle pulses of infrared light to stimulate your body’s natural healing process, regenerating cells and repairing acne lesions.

    How Many Forever Clear Treatments are Needed?

    This will depend on your aesthetic concerns, goals, and the severity of your condition. During your consultation with us, we will let you know how many treatments you will need. We typically recommend a series of six treatments performed two weeks apart, with follow-up treatments every three to six months.

    Downtime and Results

    After your procedure, the treated area will be red; and should resolve within a day. In the following 7 days, the pigment lesions will darken and slowly exfoliate naturally. You will need to protect your skin with sunscreen, repeated every 2 hours. Within a week you will enjoy your newly restored skin, exposing its natural beauty.

    Am I a Candidate for a Forever Clear BBL Treatment?

    Forever Clear BBL is only best for those experiencing active acne. It will not treat cystic acne, whiteheads, or blackheads. Individuals of any age can receive the treatment as our estheticians will consult with you to determine if you are the right candidate. All areas of the body can be treated.

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