A Simple Process, Lasting Results

At Surface MedSpa, we offer advanced dermal filler treatments designed to restore volume and smooth lines and enhance facial contours, providing a rejuvenated and youthful appearance. Dermal fillers are composed of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body, and are skillfully injected to address specific areas of concern. These treatments are highly effective in minimizing the signs of aging and achieving natural-looking results. 

To elaborate, our bodies naturally generate hyaluronic acid, which plays a crucial role in maintaining smooth, supple, hydrated, and plump skin. However, as we age, the production of hyaluronic acid diminishes, leading to issues such as loose or sagging skin, hollowed areas, under-eye concerns, and other common signs of aging. Dermal fillers offer an elegant corrective to this process by re-supplying this hyaluronic acid and thus addressing these concerns and more. 

Are Dermal Fillers Right for Me?

It’s normal to wonder if a  procedure is right for you. Typically, our clients who select to have dermal fillers are those who: 

  • Desire to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Seek to restore lost volume in the cheeks, lips, or under-eye area
  • Wish to enhance facial contours and achieve a more youthful appearance
  • Are looking for a non-surgical solution to rejuvenate their skin

Dermal Fillers We Offer


Juvéderm is a hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler used to restore facial volume, smooth wrinkles, and enhance facial contours.


Restylane is a brand of hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers designed to diminish wrinkles, add volume, and enhance facial features for a more youthful appearance.


Radiesse is a calcium hydroxylapatite-based dermal filler used to plump and rejuvenate the skin, providing immediate volume while stimulating collagen production for long-lasting results.


Sculptra® is a poly-L-lactic acid-based dermal filler that works gradually to stimulate collagen production, resulting in a more youthful and natural-looking facial rejuvenation over time.

Injectable Tissue Replacement

Injectable Tissue Replacement is a broad term used to describe various dermal fillers and treatments aimed at restoring lost facial volume, reducing wrinkles, and enhancing facial contours using different materials and techniques.

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Start with a Consultation 

When you schedule a consultation for dermal fillers at Surface MedSpa, you can expect a personalized experience tailored to your unique needs. During the consultation, our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Joel Beck, will carefully assess your concerns and goals and develop a customized treatment plan to achieve the results you desire. Dr. Beck specializes in understanding your specific aesthetic aspirations, ensuring that each dermal filler treatment is precisely tailored to enhance your natural beauty and restore your youthful vitality.

How the Procedure Works

Administering dermal fillers is a relatively quick and generally comfortable procedure that usually takes under 30 minutes to complete. Before the injection, the targeted area is cleansed and prepared with a topical anesthetic or ice to alleviate any potential discomfort. A fine needle is then used to inject the filler into precise facial areas skillfully. We’ll determine the  quantity and placement of injections based on your target areas and the intended outcomes. You can rest assured that Dr. Beck and our experienced team at Surface MedSpa utilize advanced techniques to ensure precision and natural-looking results. After the injection, there may be mild swelling or redness at the site, but these effects are typically temporary and should diminish within a few hours.

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Recovery and Results

Following your dermal filler treatment, you may experience mild swelling, bruising, or redness at the injection sites, but these effects are usually temporary and can be easily concealed with makeup. Most individuals resume their daily activities immediately after the procedure, with minimal downtime required. Dr. Beck and our team will provide you with post-treatment care instructions to optimize your recovery and ensure the best possible outcome.

Noticeable dermal filler results typically take two weeks to a month to fully show but you can be sure there will be subtle improvements almost immediately. The effects of filler last anywhere from nine to 19 months, depending on the specific type of filler you receive and how fast your body metabolizes the filler. Rest assured, you can expect smoother, firmer skin with reduced wrinkles and enhanced facial contours, creating refreshed, youthful, and natural-looking results following the procedure. 

Let Us Be Your Guide

We invite you to experience the transformative benefits of dermal fillers at Surface MedSpa and entrust Dr. Beck and our team to enhance your natural beauty with precision and artistry. Take the first step towards rejuvenating your appearance and regaining your confidence by scheduling a consultation with us today. We look forward to helping you achieve your aesthetic aspirations and welcoming you to the Surface MedSpa family. So why delay? Contact us today for a consultation. 

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