Hair growth with PRFM

The growth factors in PRFM stimulate inactive or dying hair follicles so they can produce healthy, strong strands of hair.

PRP vs. PRFM – What’s the Difference?

PRFM is the latest generation of PRP. While PRP was an excellent treatment, with PRFM, you gain the benefits of PRP, enhanced. PRFM involves creating a “scaffolding,” called a fibrin matrix, holding the platelets in place at the injection site, so the age-defying growth factors can flow into your tissues for seven days or more.

How is PRFM Made?

The treatment involves a minor blood draw, as you would expect at the doctor. Once the blood sample is harvested, a substance is added, calcium chloride (CaCl2). The blood is then processed in a centrifuge, converting the fibrinogen to fibrin, crosslinking it to create a matrix full of viable blood platelets packed with age-defying growth factors. The preparation requires little time to complete, but the resulting serum is more effective than PRP, releasing the follicle-renewing growth factors for a longer time.

What is the Treatment Like?

At Surface MedSpa, we offer next-generation hair growth treatments performed in privacy and comfort by a highly-trained professional. The procedure involves first taking a small sample of your blood, after which we process the sample to create the regenerative serum. We are medical professionals who use the most advanced health and safety protocols and special sterile equipment for this treatment. Once the PRFM is prepared, it is injected into the areas of the scalp where hair loss is occurring.

How Long Will it Take to See Results?

The hair follicles take some time to respond to the growth factors in the PRFM. Many of our clients see results appearing in about three months, but it may take a bit longer for others, as every person has a unique physiology.

Combining PRFM treatments with our other hair growth treatments may be the ideal way to restore your hair and your confidence. For superior outcomes, we advise a series of PRFM treatments, performed every three months.

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What is the Downtime? Are There Any Side Effects?

You are free to return to your usual activities after your treatment. You have no restrictions and can shower and shampoo your hair, gently rather than vigorously. You could experience minor swelling at the injection sites. If you use hair growth topical medications, you can resume use the following day.

Am I a Candidate for PRFM Hair Restoration?

This treatment is appropriate for those who see the first signs of hair thinning or are experiencing excessive shedding. Areas that are already bald will need another approach, and we do them all, including NeoGraft hair restoration, which can be combined with PRFM to support the health of and ward off further hair loss in the surrounding areas.

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Why Choose Surface MedSpa for PRFM Hair Restoration?

At Surface MedSpa, we offer a wide array of regenerative treatments to restore natural, healthy hair growth. Every process we offer is at the leading edge in regenerative medicine, delivered by a medical professional who is warm, caring, and dedicated to ensuring your comfort throughout the process. Founded by renowned, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Joel Beck, you can expect your experience to be comfortable, professional, friendly, and above all, effective.

Dr. Beck is the founder of Beck Aesthetic Surgery, which is fast becoming known as the premier cosmetic surgery center in the Charlotte area. Dr. Beck has a five star rating on and is known for offering his patients the highest standards of medical excellence in aesthetic surgeries.

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